
Specific Defect Reports

Cracked wallSpecific defect reports concentrate only on areas of concern noticed by the owner or raised as a result of a survey by a prospective purchaser’s surveyor. The fee charged for the initial inspection and report will be lower than that for a building survey as the surveyor will concentrate on the area of concern only. Any other obvious defects noticed during the inspection would however be drawn to the client’s attention.

Specific defects identified in a purchase report typically take the form of cracking or distortion to walls, unevenness in floors, damp, rotting of timbers or general inadequacies and instabilities in structural elements.

The initial inspection may be sufficient for the surveyor to comment with reasonable certainty on the cause and significance of a defect but in some cases, especially those where significant repairs are recommended, some opening-up of the structure by excavation, removal of finishes or floor coverings may be necessary. Further investigations can be arranged, supervised by the surveyor, using one of a number of trusted and competent local builders. We would strongly advise the owner or prospective purchaser to attend the property with the surveyor whilst the defective area is accessible so that a full understanding of the nature and implications of the defect can be ascertained. Robert Beech & Associates are usually able to undertake weekend or evening visits if these are most convenient.

Repairs can be specified, tendered and supervised on behalf of the building owner or indications of repair costs can be given to facilitate negotiations in the case of a house purchase.